


研究方向为能量存储与转换材料,具体包括储能电介质陶瓷材料与器件,电介质材料多尺度仿真、复合电介质材料等。主持国家自然科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费科技项目、清华大学新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室开放课题等项目,入选2021年江苏省双创博士、2023年江苏省科技副总。以第一作者或通讯作者在energy environ sciadv compos hybrid maj mater chem a等国内外知名期刊发表学术论文40余篇,国内、国际学术会议邀请报告5次,撰写英文专著章节《ceramic dielectrics for mlcc》,受邀为《journal of advanced ceramics》期刊撰写综述文章。现任《物理化学学报》青年编委。


2020.06至今     中国矿业大学材料与物理学院,副教授

2022.07~2023.08  中国科学院力学研究所,高级访问学者,合作导师:刘小明教授

2021.07~2022.07  科技部中国科学技术交流中心,借调

2018.01~2018.07  爱荷华州立大学航天航空学院,访问学者,合作导师:洪伟教授

2015.09~2020.06  清华大学材料学院,博士

2011.09~2015.06  华中科技大学材料学院,本科


1. 新型功能陶瓷材料:




2. 能量存储与转换材料:储能器件、电极材料

3. 陶瓷烧结新工艺及机理研究:两段式烧结、冷烧结、超快速烧结

4. 材料模拟仿真设计:有限元、相场模拟

5. 复合电介质材料


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,钛酸铋钠基储能陶瓷晶粒尺度多相共存构筑与协同增强机理研究,522021532023,在研,主持

2. 江苏省科技副总项目,2023,在研,主持

3. 江苏省双创博士,2021,在研,主持

4. 清华大学新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室,开放课题,kfzd202002,多层陶瓷电容器(mlcc)电极形貌研究与结构设计,2021,结题,主持

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费-青年科技项目,2021,结题,主持

6. 横向课题,mlcc内电极形貌表征,2020,结题,主持

7. 中国矿业大学科研启动经费,2020,在研,主持


[1] 朱超琼, 蔡子明*, 冯培忠, 张伟晨, 惠可臻, 曹秀华, 付振晓, 王晓慧. batio3基超薄层bme mlcc的可靠性机理. 物理化学学报, 2023, 2304015.

[2] ziming cai; chaoqiong zhu; shiheng li; hang yang; aoyu li; zhaobo tian; peizhong feng; transformation toughening in solid dielectrics, acs applied electronic materials, 2023, 5 (2): 1206-1211.

[3] weichen zhang; chaoqiong zhu; kezhen hui; peiyao zhao; limin guo; ziming cai*; longtu li; xiaohui wang; a strategy to detect the effect of electrode defects on the electrical reliability in multilayer ceramic capacitors, materials today energy, 2022: 101022.

[4] hang yang; ziming cai*; chaoqiong zhu; peizhong feng; xiaohui wang; ultra-high energy storage performance in bnt-based ferroelectric ceramics with simultaneously enhanced polarization and breakdown strength, acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2022, 10 (28): 9176-9183.

[5] qingxiang wu; zunpeng feng; ziming cai*; chuwen lan; jianchun xu; ke bi; yanan hao; poly (methyl methacrylate)-based ferroelectric/dielectric laminated films with enhanced energy storage performances, advanced composites and hybrid materials, 2022, 5 (2): 1137-1144.

[6] longwen wu; guitian lan; ziming cai*; lihua zhao; jian lu; xiaohui wang; concurrent achievement of giant energy density and ultrahigh efficiency in antiferroelectric ceramics via core–shell structure design, applied physics letters, 2022, 120 (17): 172902.

[7] peiyao zhao; ziming cai; longwen wu; chaoqiong zhu; longtu li; xiaohui wang; perspectives and challenges for lead-free energy-storage multilayer ceramic capacitors, journal of advanced ceramics, 2021, 10 (6): 1153-1193. [review]

[8] longwen wu; ziming cai*; longtu li; xiaohui wang; breakdown strength and energy density enhancement in polymer-ceramic nanocomposites: role of particle size distribution, composites science and technology, 2021, 212: 108868.

[9] ziming cai; chaoqiong zhu; longwen wu; bingcheng luo; peizhong feng; xiaohui wang; vortex domain configuration for energy-storage ferroelectric ceramics design: a phase-field simulation, applied physics letters, 2021, 119 (3): 032901.

[10] ziming cai; peizhong feng; chaoqiong zhu; xiaohui wang; dielectric breakdown behavior of ferroelectric ceramics: the role of pores, journal of the european ceramic society, 2021, 41 (4): 2533-2538.

[11] chaoqiong zhu; ziming cai; bingcheng luo; limin guo; longtu li; xiaohui wang; high temperature lead-free bnt-based ceramics with stable energy storage and dielectric properties, journal of materials chemistry a, 2020, 8 (2): 683-692.

[12] peiyao zhao#; ziming cai#; lingling chen; longwen wu; yu huan; limin guo; longtu li; hong wang; xiaohui wang; ultra-high energy storage performance in lead-free multilayer ceramic capacitors via a multiscale optimization strategy, energy & environmental science, 2020, 13 (12): 4882-4890.

[13] longwen wu; ziming cai; chaoqiong zhu; peizhong feng; longtu li; xiaohui wang; significantly enhanced dielectric breakdown strength of ferroelectric energy-storage ceramics via grain size uniformity control: phase-field simulation and experimental realization, applied physics letters, 2020, 117 (21): 212902.

[14] ziming cai; chaoqiong zhu; hongxian wang; peiyao zhao; yan yu; longtu li; xiaohui wang; giant dielectric breakdown strength together with ultrahigh energy density in ferroelectric bulk ceramics via layer-by-layer engineering, journal of materials chemistry a, 2019, 7 (29): 17283-17291.

[15] ziming cai; chaoqiong zhu; hongxian wang; peiyao zhao; lingling chen; longtu li; xiaohui wang; high-temperature lead-free multilayer ceramic capacitors with ultrahigh energy density and efficiency fabricated via two-step sintering, journal of materials chemistry a, 2019, 7 (24): 14575-14582.

[16] ziming cai; xiaohui wang; bingcheng luo; peiyao zhao; chaoqiong zhu; longtu li; laminated structure-induced high dielectric strength and energy storage density in dielectric composites, composites science and technology, 2019, 173: 61-65.

[17] ziming cai; xiaohui wang; longtu li; wei hong; electrical treeing: a phase-field model, extreme mechanics letters, 2019, 28: 87-95.

[18] ziming cai; xiaohui wang; longtu li; phase‐field modeling of electromechanical breakdown in multilayer ceramic capacitors, advanced theory and simulations, 2019, 2 (4): 1800179.

[19] ziming cai; xiaohui wang; zhenyong cen; bingcheng luo; longtu li; core-shell structure-induced high displacement response in piezoelectric ceramics: a theoretical design, ceramics international, 2019, 45 (7): 8940-8944.

[20] ziming cai; hongxian wang; peiyao zhao; lingling chen; chaoqiong zhu; kezhen hui; longtu li; xiaohui wang; significantly enhanced dielectric breakdown strength and energy density of multilayer ceramic capacitors with high efficiency by electrodes structure design, applied physics letters, 2019, 115 (2): 023901.


2022.01~至今    《物理化学学报》青年编委

2023.03~至今    《materials》期刊特刊编辑

2022全国电子材料于器件大会 电介质材料分会组织委员



