

孟庆坤,1986年生,山东济宁人,中共党员,副教授,硕士生导师。毕业于北京航空航天大学,材料学博士学位。主要从事生物医用钛合金、金属基复合材料、金属能源材料等方向的研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、徐州市科技成果转化计划项目和中国矿业大学青年基金等项目,入选江苏省“科技副总”项目。在appl. phys. lett., j. alloy compd., mater. sci. eng. c等期刊发表论文20余篇。担任j. alloy compd., mater. sci. eng. a, mater. charact.等期刊审稿人,担任rare metals青年编委。主讲《钢结构基础》、《材料加工与分析实验》等课程,完成一项校级教学研究项目。








1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,tinb基合金的β稳定性与单晶剪切模量c44的内在相关性研究,2017-2019,主持。

2. 徐州市科技成果转化计划项目,重大基础设施用a2级金属复合防火板材研发及成果转化,2022-2024,技术负责人。

3. 中国矿业大学教学研究项目,构建线上/线下混合教学模式下《钢结构基础》平时成绩考核体系,2020-2021,主持。


[1] qingkun meng, jiadong xu, huan li, chonghang zhao, jiqiu qi, fuxiang wei, yanwei sui, wen ma, phase transformations and mechanical properties of a ti36nb5zr alloy subjected to thermomechanical treatments, rare metals 41 (2022) 209.

[2] 孟庆坤, 梅碧舟, 张盼, 戚继球, 隋艳伟, 郭顺, ti-39nb合金变形行为的原位同步辐射x射线衍射研究, 中国有色金属学报32 (2022) 845.

[3] chenchen zhang, mengyuan huang, shun zhong, jiqiu qi, yanwei sui, qingkun meng, fuxiang wei, lei zhu, yaojian ren, wenqing wei, controllable construction of boron and nitrogen co-doping honeycomb porous carbon as promising materials for co2 capture and supercapacitors, journal of energy storage 55 (2022) 105687.

[4] qingkun meng, huan li, chonghang zhao, wen ma, fuxiang wei, yanwei sui, jiqiu qi, synchrotron x-ray diffraction characterization of phase transformations during thermomechanical processing of a ti38nb alloy, rare metals 40 (2021) 3269.

[5] qingkun meng, kai wang, huan li, shun guo, fuxiang wei, jiqiu qi, yanwei sui, xinqing zhao, single crystal shear moduli of β-phase stabilized by thermomechanical treatment in tinbsn alloys with ultralow elastic modulus, materials letters 285 (2021) 129103.

[6] qingkun meng, huan li, kai wang, shun guo, fuxiang wei, jiqiu qi, yanwei sui, baolong shen, xinqing zhao, in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction investigations of the nonlinear deformation behavior of a low modulus β-type ti36nb5zr alloy, metals 10 (2020) 1619.

[7] shun guo, yulu shi, huihui zhang, qingkun meng, ru su, jinming zhang, guanglei liu, xiaonong cheng, xinqing zhao, design and fabrication of a nb/niti superelastic composite with high critical stress for inducing martensitic transformation and large recoverable strain for biomedical applications, materials science and engineering: c 112 (2020) 110894.

[8] shun guo, yulu shi, guanglei liu, ruitang wu, rui luo, ching-tun peng, qingkun meng, xiaonong cheng, xinqing zhao, design and fabrication of a (β α") dual-phase ti-nb-sn alloy with linear deformation behavior for biomedical applications, journal of alloys and compounds 805 (2019) 517.

[9] qingkun meng, junsong zhang, yufei huo, yanwei sui, jinyong zhang, shun guo, xinqing zhao, design of low modulus β-type titanium alloys by tuning shear modulus c44, journal of alloys and compounds 745 (2018) 579.

[10] qingkun meng, shun guo, xiaobing ren, huibin xu, xinqing zhao, possible contribution of low shear modulus c44 to the low young's modulus of ti-36nb-5zr alloy, applied physics letters 105 (2014) 131907.




