

金芳军,男,19877月出生,甘肃天水人。副教授,硕士生导师,吉林省兵工学会会员,曾荣获长春理工大学优秀青年骨干教师,吉林省大学生物理竞赛一等奖(指导教师),长春理工大学突出贡献奖等,《当代化工研究》和《辽宁石油化工大学学报》编委。主要从事固体氧化燃料电池/电解池、低维功能材料与器件的研究开发,致力于通过调控材料的组成、微纳结构和界面性质,在提高材料表/界面催化效率等方面取得多项特色研究成果。先后主持国家自然科学基金、吉林省科技厅、吉林省教育厅重点科技研究项目、长春市青年科技人才创新专项等多项科学研究项目。在j. power sourcesj. eur. ceram. soc.electrochim. acta等国际主流期刊发表sci论文30余篇,授权发明专利4项。担任j. mater. chem. a, j. alloy. compd., j. colloid interf., j. power sources, acs appl. mater. inter.等期刊审稿人



20109----20156月,吉林大学,物理学院,凝聚态物理专业,理学博士 (硕博连读)




  1. 2017年长春理工大学优秀班导师。

  2. 2018年荣获长春理工大学青年教师精英组讲课比赛中荣获二等奖。

  3. 2021年吉林省大学生物理竞赛一等奖。

  4. 2021年“挑战杯”长春理工大学大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖。


  1. 新型金属钙钛矿复合电极构筑及性能研究,长春市科技局“青年科技人才创新创业专项”,2021.11-2023.10,主持

  2. 基于缺陷修饰的双钙钛矿型固体氧化物燃料电池阴极材料的设计和研究,吉林省科技发展计划项目,2020.01-2022.12,主持

  3. 钙掺杂对双钙钛矿阴极材料的性能调控和影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金(青年基金),2018.01-2020.12,主持

  4. a位掺杂改性双钙钛矿型阴极材料的稳定性和电化学性能增强机理研究,科学技术研究项目(重点面上项目),2017.01-2018.12,主持

  5. 钙掺杂对双钙钛矿阴极材料的电化学性能调控和稳定性研究,长春理工大学青年基金,2016.01-2018.12,主持


  1. j.x. li; n. sun; x.w. liu; y. shen; f. wang; j.h. li; k.x. shi; f.j. jin*, investigation on nd1–xcaxbaco2o5 δ double perovskite as new oxygen electrode materials for reversible solid oxide cells, j. alloy. compd., 913 (2022) 165245-165257.

  2. x.w. liu, f.j. jin*, n. sun, j.x. li, y. shen, f. wang, j.h. li, nd3 -deficiency double perovskite nd1–xbaco2o5 δ and performance optimization as cathode materials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, ceram. int., 47:23 (2021)  33886-33896.

  3. f.j jin*, x. liu, x. chu, y. shen, j. li, effect of nonequivalent substitution of pr3 /4  with ca2  in prbacofeo5 δ as cathodes for it-sofc, j. mater. sci., 56 (2021) 1147-1161.

  4. x.l. liu, f.j. jin*, x.w. liu, n. sun, j.h. li, y. shen, f. wang, l. yang, x.y. chu, m.z. xu, y.j. zhai, j.h. li, effect of calcium doping on sm1–xcaxbaco2o5 δ cathode materials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, electrochim. acta, (2021) 138830.

  5. n. sun, f.j. jin*, x.l. liu, x.w. liu, j.x. li, y. shen, f. wang, x.y. chu, z. wu, j.h. li, x.l. lv, in situ coexsolution of metal nanoparticle-decorated double perovskites as anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells, acs appl. energy mater., 4 (2021) 7992-8002.

  6. w. xia1, x. liu1, f.j. jin*, x. jia, y. shen, j. li, evaluation of calcium codoping in double perovskite prbaco2o5 δ as cathode material for it-sofcs, electrochim. acta, 364 (2020) 137274.

  7. f.j jin*, j. li, y. wang, x. chu, m. xu, y. zhai, y. zhang, w. fang, p. zou, t. he, evaluation of fe and mn co-doped layered perovskite prbaco2/3fe2/3mn1/2o5 δ as a novel cathode for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cell, ceram. int., 44 (2018) 22489-22496.

  8. p. wang, j. li, y. wang, k. feng, x. chu, y. zhai, p. zou, w. fang, f.j. jin*, effects of composition on photoluminescence properties of organometal halide perovskites quantum dots, 3m-nano, (2018) 312-315.

  9. f.j. jin*, j. liu, b. niu, l. ta, r. li, y. wang, x. yang, t. he, evaluation and performance optimization of double-perovskite lasrcotio5 δ cathode for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells, int. j. hydrogen energy, 41 (2016) 21439-21449.

  10. f.j. jin*, j. liu, y. shen, t. he, improved electrochemical performance and thermal expansion compatibility of lnbacofeo5 δ–sm0.2ce0.8o1.9 (lnpr and nd) composite cathodes for it-sofcs, j. alloys compd., 685 (2016) 483-491.  

  11. f.j. jin, l. li, t.m. he, ndbaco2/3fe2/3cu2/3o5 δ double perovskite as a novel cathode material for ceo2- and lagao3-based solid oxide fuel cells, j. power sources, 273 (2015) 591-599.

  12. f.j. jin, y. shen, r. wang, t.m. he, double-perovskite prbaco2/3fe2/3cu2/3o5 δ as cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells, j. power sources, 234 (2013) 244-251.

  13. f.j. jin, h. xu, w. long, y. shen, t. he, characterization and evaluation of double perovskites lnbacofeo5 δ (ln = pr and nd) as intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes, j. power sources, 243 (2013) 10-18.

  14. t.m. he, q.j. zhou, f.j. jin, chapter 3: cathodes for solid oxide fuel cell, solid oxide fuel cells [book], 2020, pp. 79-112.



邮箱:jinfj@cust.edu.cn; jinfj@cumt.edu.cn

