1985.8-1992.7 徐州师范大学物理系工作
1992.8-1998.7 上海复旦大学攻读硕士、博士学位
1998.10-2000.4 日本理化学研究所光动力研究中心博士后
2000.6-至今 中国矿业大学理学院工作
2:参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,超薄结构人工表面等离激元传输与局域特性研究, 2014.1-2017.12
1 uv-visible absorption and second harmonic generation investigations on the h-aggregation in langmuir-blodgett monolayers deposited under different conditions, optics communications 118(1995) :74-78
2 optical linear anisotropy in hemicyanine langmuir-blodgett multilayers, journal of physics d: applied physics 29(1996) :2061-2065
3 spectral and dynamic studies on molecular aggregation in hemicyanine langmuir-blodgett films, j. phys. d: appl. phys. 30(1997) :3326-3331
4 second harmonic generation investigation on molecular orientation in langmuir-blodgett films poled by an electric field, optics communications 152 (1998):371-375.
5 flow orientation and super-quadratic depengdence of second harmonic intensity on the film thickness in hemicyanine langmuir-blodgett mulitilayers. optical materials, 27(2004):155-161
6 effect of subphase divalent ions on optical second harmonic properities of hemicyanine langmuir-blodgett films interleaved with compatible spacer. thin solid films, 476 (2005):152-157
7 theoretical study of molecular aggregation in langmuir –blodgett films using a dipolar interaction model, thin solid films, 516(2008):2138-2143
8 theoretical studies on the frequency-dependent first hyperpolarizability of a hemicyanine derivative. journal of molecular structure: theochem, 908(2009):69-72
9 the first hyperpolarizabilities of hemicyanine cationic derivative studied by finite-field calculations, journal of molecular structure:theochem 767(2006):113-118
10 dispersion-based all photonic crystals polarization beam splitter, physics letter a 369(2007):524-527
11 theoretical studies on anisotropy of the first hyperpolarizabilities in one- and two-dimensional charge transfer molecules:role of frequency dispersion, chemical physics letters 444(2007):80-84
12 theoretical studies on the electronic structures and absorption spectra of substituted benzenes with one- and two-dimensional charge transfer character, journal of molecular structure:theochem ,870(2008):49-52
13 new cofiguration of ring resonator in photonic crystal based on self-collimation, chinese physics letters,25(2008):4288-4291
14 theoretical studies on the anisotropy of the first hyperpolarizabilities of one- and two-dimensional charge-transfer molecules:role of solvent polarity. mol.phys.,107(2009):1597-1603
15theoretical study on the nonlinear optical properties of donor/acceptor-functionalized trigonal dehydrobenzoannulenes. journal of molecular structure: theochem, 957 (2010): 31-35.
16 quantum chemistry study on nonlinear optical properties of hemicyanine dye derivatives with different electron donor groups,computational and theoretical chemistry, 1044(2014): 24-28
17 solvent effects on polarizability and hyperpolarizability of spirobifluorene derivative,journal of molecular modeling,,20(2)(2014)
18 quantum chemistry study on the third-order nonlinear optical properties of spirobifluorene derivatives, computational and theoretical chemistry,1023 (2015) : 95-98
19 theoretical study on electronic polarizability and second hyperpolarizability of hexagonal graphene quantum dots: effects of size, substituent, and frequency, carbon 122, 756 (2017).
20 theoretical study on the spectroscopic and third-order nonlinear optical properties of two-dimensional charge-transfer pyrazine derivatives, molecular physics 115, 3164 (2017).
21 size-, electric-field-, and frequency-dependent third-order nonlinear optical properties of hydrogenated silicon nanoclusters, scientific reports 6, 28067 (2016).
22 polarization insensitive wide-angle triple-band metamaterial bandpass filter, journal of physics d: applied physics 49, 285110 (2016).
23 external electric field induced second-order nonlinear optical effects in hexagonal graphene quantum dots, journal of physical chemistry c, 123(32) (1019): 20020-20025
24: effect of isotope doping on phonon thermal conductivity of silicene nanoribbons: a molecular dynamics study, chinese physics b,27(2018)
25 melting properties of medium-sized silicon nanoclusters: a molecular dynamics study, journal of electronic materials , 46(2017): 3826-3830
26 theoretical study of the spectroscopic and nonlinear optical properties of trans- and cis-4-hydroxyazobenzene, journal of f molecular modeling, 23(2017)
27 theoretical modelling of periodic graphene structures, physica b-condensed matter,563(2019): 36-40
28 shape effects on graphene magnetoplasmons, physical review b,99(2019)
29 magnetoplasmon excitation and hybridization in gyroelectric cylinders, applied optics, 58(2019):3712-3717