

1. 简历

       沈晓鹏,男,19743月生,山东寿光人,中共党员,中国矿业大学材料与物理学院教授、硕士生导师主要从事表面等离激元、超构材料、光子晶体调控电磁波的理论和实验研究;主持国家自然基金面上项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项;获国家自然科学奖二等奖1项(2/52018年);江苏省第十六批六大人才高峰高层次人才(a类,2019年);中国矿业大学第七、第八批优秀青年骨干教师;获中国矿业大学优秀教学成果奖、优秀毕业论文指导教师奖、江苏省大学生物理竞赛优秀指导教师奖等十余项;在美国国家科学院院刊(pnas)、phy. rev. lett.phy. rev. xlaser & photonics reviewsopt. expressappl. phys. lett.等著名期刊发表发表论文70余篇, esi高被引论文7篇,论文正面他引3500余次,单篇最高他引500余次;授权发明专利8项。

2. 教育

东南大学凝聚态物理博士 2009.3

中国矿业大学理论物理硕士 2003.9


曲阜师范大学物理教育本科 1993.9

3. 职业经历

2020.1-至今 中国矿业大学材料与物理学院教授


2006.7-2006.8英国伯明翰大学 研修

2004.9-2005.1复旦大学 研修



4. 项目

[1] 2019.1-2021.12基于螺旋结构的涡旋波激发与调控技术研究,江苏省六大人才高峰a类),15万,主持,在研

[2] 2019.1-2021.12*****电磁波空间调控技术研究,国防基础科研计划,230万,参与,在研

[3] 2014.1-2017.12,超薄结构人工表面等离激元的传输和局域特性研究,国家自然基金面上项目,80万,主持,完成

[4] 2012.1-2016.12,新型幻觉光学器件的机理分析和实验验证,国家自然科学基金面上项目,63万,2/8,完成

[5] 2013.1-2016.12,人工表面等离极化激元的理论和实验研究,中央高校基本科研业务费,10万,主持,完成

[6] 2012.01-2016.12太赫兹三维隐身介质的基础理论和关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与

[7] 2008.1-2009.12,磁性光子晶体的光学特性研究,中国矿业大学青年基金项目,项目, 3万,主持,完成

5. 获奖

[1] 2018.12 “新型微波超材料对空间波和表面等离激元波的自由调控或实时调控国家自然科学奖二等奖,国务院,2/5

[2] 2019.6江苏省第十六六大人才高峰a类),江苏省人力资源社会保障厅

[3] 2016.8中国矿业大学优秀教学成果奖二等奖1/5

[4] 2008.8中国矿业大学优秀教学成果奖三等奖1/5

[5] 2011.3中国矿业大学第八批优秀青年骨干教师

[6] 2008.7中国矿业大学第七批优秀青年骨干教师

[7] 2018.6中国矿业大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

[8] 2016.6中国矿业大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

[9] 2015.6中国矿业大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

[10] 2013.6中国矿业大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

[11] 2009中国矿业大学教书育人先进个人

[12] 2011全国微波和太赫兹技术博士生学术论坛一等奖

[13] 2016.5中国矿业大学第三届大学生物理学术竞赛最佳指导教师奖

[14] 2016.11江苏省高校第十三届大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛优秀指导教师,江苏省物理学会

[15] 2015.11江苏省高校第十二届大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛优秀指导教师,江苏省物理学会

[16] 2010.11江苏省高校第七届大学生物理实验科技创新竞赛优秀指导教师,江苏省物理学会

6. 论文


[1]l. zhao, s. liu, j. wang, x. p. shen, and t. j. cui, “band-stop filter based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons,” electronics letters, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 607-608, may 16, 2019.

[2]l. zhao, y. li, z. m. chen, x. h. liang, j. wang, x. shen, and q. zhang, “a band-pass filter based on half-mode substrate integrated waveguide and spoof surface plasmon polaritons,” sci rep, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 13429, sep 17, 2019.

[3]b. y. xie, g. x. su, h. f. wang, h. su, x. p. shen, p. zhan, m. h. lu, z. l. wang, and y. f. chen, “visualization of higher-order topological insulating phases in two-dimensional dielectric photonic crystals,” phys rev lett, vol. 122, no. 23, pp. 233903, jun 14, 2019.

[4]j. wang, l. zhao, z. c. hao, x. shen, and t. j. cui, “splitting spoof surface plasmon polaritons to different directions with high efficiency in ultra-wideband frequencies,” opt lett, vol. 44, no. 13, pp. 3374-3377, jul 1, 2019.

[5]h. p. li, x. d. yu, x. p. shen, g. tang, and k. han, “external electric field induced second-order nonlinear optical effects in hexagonal graphene quantum dots,” journal of physical chemistry c, vol. 123, no. 32, pp. 20020-20025, aug 15, 2019.

[6]s. w. kang, n. f. jiao, k. han, x. p. shen, and w. h. wang, “theoretical modelling of periodic graphene structures,” physica b-condensed matter, vol. 563, pp. 36-40, jun 15, 2019.

[7]n. f. jiao, s. w. kang, k. han, x. p. shen, and w. h. wang, “shape effects on graphene magnetoplasmons,” physical review b, vol. 99, no. 19, may 28, 2019.

[8]y. chen, w. xiao, k. han, x. shen, and w. wang, “magnetoplasmon excitation and hybridization in gyroelectric cylinders,” appl opt, vol. 58, no. 14, pp. 3712-3717, may 10, 2019.


[9]h. su, x. p. shen, g. x. su, l. li, j. p. ding, f. x. liu, p. zhan, y. m. liu, and z. l. wang, “efficient generation of microwave plasmonic vortices via a single deep-subwavelength meta-particle,” laser & photonics reviews, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1800010, sep, 2018.

[10]z. y. song, q. q. chu, x. p. shen, and q. h. liu, “wideband high-efficient linear polarization rotators,” frontiers of physics, vol. 13, no. 5, oct, 2018.

[11]q. cheng, t. chen, d. yu, y. liao, j. xie, x. zang, x. shen, and y. pan, “flexibly designed spoof surface plasmon waveguide array for topological zero-mode realization,” opt express, vol. 26, no. 24, pp. 31636-31647, nov 26, 2018.


[12]j. j. zhang, z. liao, y. luo, x. p. shen, s. a. maier, and t. j. cui, “spoof plasmon hybridization,” laser & photonics reviews, vol. 11, no. 1, jan, 2017.

[13]h. p. li, y. zhang, z. t. bi, r. f. xu, m. x. li, x. p. shen, g. tang, and k. han, “theoretical study on the spectroscopic and third-order nonlinear optical properties of two-dimensional charge-transfer pyrazine derivatives,” molecular physics, vol. 115, no. 24, pp. 3164-3171, 2017, 2017.

[14]h. p. li, r. f. xu, z. t. bi, x. p. shen, and k. han, “melting properties of medium-sized silicon nanoclusters: a molecular dynamics study,” journal of electronic materials, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 3826-3830, jul, 2017.

[15]h. p. li, w. y. fu, x. p. shen, k. han, and w. h. wang, “design and theoretical study of a polarization-insensitive multiband terahertz metamaterial bandpass filter,” chinese physics b, vol. 26, no. 12, dec, 2017.

[16]h. p. li, z. t. bi, r. f. xu, k. han, m. x. li, x. p. shen, and y. x. wu, “theoretical study on electronic polarizability and second hyperpolarizability of hexagonal graphene quantum dots: effects of size, substituent, and frequency,” carbon, vol. 122, pp. 756-760, oct, 2017.

[17]h. p. li, z. t. bi, w. y. fu, r. f. xu, y. zhang, x. p. shen, m. x. li, g. tang, and k. han, “theoretical study of the spectroscopic and nonlinear optical properties of trans- and cis-4-hydroxyazobenzene,” j mol model, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 79, mar, 2017.


[18]l. zhao, x. zhang, j. wang, w. yu, j. li, h. su, and x. shen, “a novel broadband band-pass filter based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons,” sci rep, vol. 6, pp. 36069, oct 31, 2016.

[19]h. li, h. xu, x. shen, k. han, z. bi, and r. xu, “size-, electric-field-, and frequency-dependent third-order nonlinear optical properties of hydrogenated silicon nanoclusters,” sci rep, vol. 6, pp. 28067, jun 16, 2016.

[20]w. fu, y. han, j. li, h. wang, h. li, k. han, x. shen, and t. cui, “polarization insensitive wide-angle triple-band metamaterial bandpass filter,” journal of physics d: applied physics, vol. 49, no. 28, pp. 285110, jul 20, 2016.


[21]h. c. zhang, s. liu, x. p. shen, l. h. chen, l. m. li, and t. j. cui, “broadband amplification of spoof surface plasmon polaritons at microwave frequencies,” laser & photonics reviews, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 83-90, jan, 2015.

[22]y. yang, x. shen, p. zhao, h. c. zhang, and t. j. cui, “trapping surface plasmon polaritons on ultrathin corrugated metallic strips in microwave frequencies,” opt express, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 7031-7, mar 23, 2015.

[23]z. liao, x. p. shen, b. c. pan, j. zhao, y. luo, and t. j. cui, “combined system for efficient excitation and capture of lsp resonances and flexible control of spp transmissions,” acs photonics, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 738-743, jun, 2015.

[24]z. liao, y. luo, a. i. fernandez-dominguez, x. shen, s. a. maier, and t. j. cui, “high-order localized spoof surface plasmon resonances and experimental verifications,” sci rep, vol. 5, pp. 9590, apr 15, 2015.

[25]l. j. liang, m. q. qi, j. yang, x. p. shen, j. q. zhai, w. z. xu, b. b. jin, w. w. liu, y. j. feng, c. h. zhang, h. lu, h. t. chen, l. kang, w. w. xu, j. chen, t. j. cui, p. h. wu, and s. g. liu, “anomalous terahertz reflection and scattering by flexible and conformal coding metamaterials,” advanced optical materials, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 1374-1380, oct, 2015.

[26]y. y. chen, k. han, h. p. li, m. x. li, g. tang, and x. p. shen, “electronic structures and third-order nonlinear optical properties of annulenes derivatives,” acta physica sinica, vol. 64, no. 12, jun 20, 2015.

[27]d. bao, x. p. shen, and t. j. cui, “progress of terahertz metamaterials,” acta physica sinica, vol. 64, no. 22, pp. 228701, nov 20, 2015.


[28]x. wan, x. p. shen, y. luo, and t. j. cui, “planar bifunctional luneburg-fisheye lens made of an anisotropic metasurface,” laser & photonics reviews, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 757-765, sep, 2014.

[29]x. p. shen, g. moreno, a. chahadih, t. akalin, t. j. cui, and ieee, spoof surface plasmonic devices and circuits in thz frequency, 2014 39th international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves, international conference on infrared millimeter and terahertz waves, 2014.

[30]x. p. shen, and t. j. cui, “ultrathin plasmonic metamaterial for spoof localized surface plasmons,” laser & photonics reviews, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 137-145, jan, 2014.

[31]h. f. ma, x. p. shen, q. cheng, w. x. jiang, and t. j. cui, “broadband and high-efficiency conversion from guided waves to spoof surface plasmon polaritons,” laser & photonics reviews, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 146-151, jan, 2014.

[32]z. liao, j. zhao, b. c. pan, x. p. shen, and t. j. cui, “broadband transition between microstrip line and conformal surface plasmon waveguide,” journal of physics d-applied physics, vol. 47, no. 31, aug 6, 2014.

[33]z. liao, b. c. pan, x. shen, and t. j. cui, “multiple fano resonances in spoof localized surface plasmons,” opt express, vol. 22, no. 13, pp. 15710-7, jun 30, 2014.

[34]h. p. li, x. p. shen, k. han, and g. tang, “solvent effects on polarizability and hyperpolarizability of spirobifluorene derivative,” j mol model, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 2126, feb, 2014.

[35]p. a. huidobro, x. shen, j. cuerda, e. moreno, l. martin-moreno, f. j. garcia-vidal, t. j. cui, and j. b. pendry, “magnetic localized surface plasmons,” physical review x, vol. 4, no. 2, apr, 2014.

[36]k. han, h. p. li, x. p. shen, g. tang, y. y. chen, and z. h. zhang, “quantum chemistry study on nonlinear optical properties of hemicyanine dye derivatives with different electron donor groups,” computational and theoretical chemistry, vol. 1044, pp. 24-28, sep 15, 2014.


[37]x. wan, x. p. shen, and t. j. cui, “te-mode coplanar imaging using weakly anisotropic metasurface,” opt express, vol. 21, no. 15, pp. 17531-8, jul 29, 2013.

[38]x. p. shen, and t. j. cui, “planar plasmonic metamaterial on a thin film with nearly zero thickness,” applied physics letters, vol. 102, no. 21, pp. 211909, may 27, 2013.

[39]x. shen, t. j. cui, d. martin-cano, and f. j. garcia-vidal, “conformal surface plasmons propagating on ultrathin and flexible films,” proc natl acad sci u s a, vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 40-5, jan 2, 2013.

[40]h. p. li, x. p. shen, k. han, g. tang, and z. h. zhang, “quantum chemistry study on the third-order nonlinear optical properties of spirobifluorene derivatives,” computational and theoretical chemistry, vol. 1023, pp. 95-98, nov 1, 2013.

[41]k. han, j. j. wang, f. zhou, x. p. shen, y. f. shen, y. x. wu, and g. tang, “goos-hanchen shift of self-collimated beam in kretschmann configuration based on photonic crystal,” acta physica sinica, vol. 62, no. 4, feb, 2013.

[42]x. gao, j. h. shi, x. p. shen, h. f. ma, w. x. jiang, l. m. li, and t. j. cui, “ultrathin dual-band surface plasmonic polariton waveguide and frequency splitter in microwave frequencies,” applied physics letters, vol. 102, no. 15, apr 15, 2013.


[43]沈晓鹏, 崔铁军, and 叶建祥, “基于超材料的微波双波段吸收器,” 物理学报, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 58101, 2012.

[44]x. p. shen, y. yang, y. z. zang, j. q. gu, j. g. han, w. l. zhang, and t. j. cui, “triple-band terahertz metamaterial absorber: design, experiment, and physical interpretation,” applied physics letters, vol. 101, no. 15, oct 8, 2012.

[45]x. p. shen, t. j. cui, and j. x. ye, “dual band metamaterial absorber in microwave regime,” acta physica sinica, vol. 61, no. 5, mar, 2012.

[46]x. p. shen, and t. j. cui, “photoexcited broadband redshift switch and strength modulation of terahertz metamaterial absorber,” journal of optics, vol. 14, no. 11, nov, 2012.


[47]x. tong, k. han, x. p. shen, q. h. wu, f. zhou, y. ge, and x. j. hu, “equal intensity polarization-independent beam splitter based on photonic crystal self-collimation ring resonator,” acta physica sinica, vol. 60, no. 6, jun, 2011.

[48]x. shen, t. j. cui, j. zhao, h. f. ma, w. x. jiang, and h. li, “polarization-independent wide-angle triple-band metamaterial absorber,” opt express, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 9401-7, may 9, 2011.

[49]h. li, l. h. yuan, b. zhou, x. p. shen, q. cheng, and t. j. cui, “ultrathin multiband gigahertz metamaterial absorbers,” journal of applied physics, vol. 110, no. 1, jul 1, 2011.

[50]k. han, z. y. wang, x. p. shen, q. h. wu, x. tong, g. tang, and y. x. wu, “mach-zehnder interferometer designed based on self-collimating beams and photonic band gap in photonic crystals,” acta physica sinica, vol. 60, no. 4, apr, 2011.

before 2011

[51]q. zhong, k. han, x. p. shen, x. tong, q. h. wu, m. x. li, and y. x. wu, “polarization-independent self-collimation bends and beam splitters in 3(2),4,3,4 archimedean photonic crystals,” acta physica sinica, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 7060-7065, oct, 2010.

[52]h. p. li, k. han, g. tang, m. x. li, x. p. shen, and z. m. huang, “theoretical studies on the anisotropy of the first hyperpolarizabilities of one- and two-dimensional charge-transfer molecules: role of solvent polarity,” molecular physics, vol. 107, no. 15, pp. 1597-1603, 2009, 2009.

[53]沈晓鹏, 韩奎, 李海鹏, 沈义峰, 王子煜, “光子晶体自准直光束偏振分束器,” 物理学报, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1737-1741, 2008.

[54]z. y. wang, k. han, x. p. shen, and ieee, subminiature gas sensor based on the photonic crystals, 2008.

[55]y. f. shen, j. sun, x. p. shen, j. wang, l. l. sun, k. han, and g. z. wang, “a compact t-branch beam splitter based on anomalous reflection in two-dimensional photonic crystals,” chinese optics letters, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 709-712, oct 10, 2008.

[56]x. p. shen, k. han, f. yuan, h. p. li, z. y. wang, and q. zhong, “new configuration of ring resonator in photonic crystal based on self-collimation,” chinese physics letters, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 4288-4291, dec, 2008.

[57]x. p. shen, k. han, h. s. liu, h. p. li, and g. tang, thermally tunable microring resonator for self-collimated beams in photonic crystals, 2008.

[58]x. p. shen, k. han, h. p. li, y. f. shen, and z. y. wang, “polarization beam splitter for self-collimated beams in photonic crystals,” acta physica sinica, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1737-1741, mar, 2008.

[59]x. shen, k. han, h. liu, h. li, and g. tang, thermally tunable microring resonator for self-collimated beams in photonic crystals, 2008.

[60]h. s. liu, x. p. shen, h. pu, c. h. yin, and x. x. miao, “variation in permeability of nb-poor finemet under heating annealing,” journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 1661-1664, aug, 2008.

[61]h. s. liu, y. w. du, x. x. miao, k. han, x. p. shen, and w. k. bu, “effects of annealing condition and al content on novel fe73.5si13.5b9cu1nb3-xalx alloys,” rare metals, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 545-549, oct, 2008.

[62]h. p. li, k. han, c. y. wang, x. p. shen, h. t. wang, and g. tang, “theoretical studies on the electronic structures and absorption spectra of substituted benzenes with one- and two-dimensional charge transfer character,” journal of molecular structure-theochem, vol. 870, no. 1-3, pp. 49-52, dec 15, 2008.

[63]k. han, h. p. li, g. tang, y. x. wu, h. t. wang, and x. p. shen, “theoretical study of molecular aggregation in langmuir-blodgett films using a dipolar interaction model,” thin solid films, vol. 516, no. 8, pp. 2138-2143, feb 29, 2008.

[64]x. p. shen, k. han, x. q. yang, y. f. shen, h. p. li, g. tang, and z. t. guo, “polarization-independent self-collimating bends and beam splitters in photonic crystals,” chinese optics letters, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 662-664, nov 10, 2007.

[65]x. p. shen, k. han, y. f. shen, x. q. yang, g. tang, h. p. li, and z. y. wang, mach-zehnder interferometer for auto-collimated beams in non-channel photonic crystals - art. no. 67241h, design, manufacturing, and testing of micro- and nano-optical devices and systems, proceedings of the society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers (spie) s. han, t. xing, y. li and c. zeng, eds., pp. h7241-h7241, 2007.

[66]x. p. shen, k. han, y. f. shen, h. p. li, y. x. wu, and g. tang, “dispersion-based all photonic crystals polarization beam splitter,” physics letters a, vol. 369, no. 5-6, pp. 524-527, oct 1, 2007.

[67]z. p. lu, k. han, h. p. li, w. t. zhang, z. m. huang, x. p. shen, z. h. zhang, and l. bai, “theoretical study of molecular vibrational hyperpolarizability of 4-n-methylstilbazonium salt derivatives,” acta physica sinica, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 5843-5848, oct, 2007.

[68]h. p. li, k. han, g. tang, x. p. shen, h. t. wang, z. m. huang, z. h. zhang, l. bai, and z. y. wang, “theoretical studies on anisotropy of the first hyperpolarizabilities in one- and two-dimensional charge transfer molecules: role of frequency dispersion,” chemical physics letters, vol. 444, no. 1-3, pp. 80-84, aug 17, 2007.

[69]x. p. shen, k. han, y. f. shen, h. p. li, z. w. xiao, and j. zheng, “self-collimation of unpolarized electromagnetic waves in 2d photonic crystals,” acta physica sinica, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2760-2764, jun, 2006.

[70]h. p. li, k. han, x. p. shen, z. p. lu, z. m. huang, w. t. zhang, z. h. zhang, and l. bai, “the first hyperpolarizabilities of hemicyanine cationic derivatives studied by finite-field (ff) calculations,” journal of molecular structure-theochem, vol. 767, no. 1-3, pp. 113-118, aug 24, 2006.

[71]h. p. li, k. han, z. p. lu, x. p. shen, z. m. huang, w. t. zhang, and l. bai, “theoretical investigation on dispersion effect and two-photon resonance enhancement of molecular first hyperpolarizability,” acta physica sinica, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1827-1831, apr, 2006.

[72]k. han, h. p. li, y. x. wu, x. p. shen, and z. m. huang, “the dipolar interaction model of the molecular aggregation in langmuir-blodgett films,” acta physica sinica, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 5778-5783, dec, 2005.

7. 发明专利

[1]赵雷, 张欣, 沈晓鹏, 一种基于人工表面等离激元的高效宽带带通滤波器, cn105119029a.

[2]沈晓鹏, 苏海, 李建东, 王昊深, 何韦刚, 李海鹏, 韩奎, 一种斜缝分离式人工表面等离激元多波段带阻滤波器, cn104810580a.

[3]沈晓鹏, 苏海, 李建东, 何韦刚, 付文悦, 李海鹏, 韩奎, 一种u型开槽式人工表面等离激元带阻滤波器, cn104810578a.

[4]沈晓鹏, 李建东, 付文悦, 王昊深, 李海鹏, 韩奎, 一种基于人工表面等离激元的双波段带阻滤波器, cn104485495a.

[5]沈晓鹏, 李建东, 付文悦, 王昊深, 李海鹏, 韩奎, 一种基于人工表面等离激元的可调带阻滤波器, cn104810579a.

[6]沈晓鹏, 付文悦, 李建东, 王昊深, 李海鹏, 韩奎, 极化和宽角度入射不敏感三波段超材料带通滤波器, cn104810583a.

[7]沈晓鹏, 付文悦, 李建东, 何韦刚, 余晴, 李海鹏, 韩奎, 基于人工电磁材料的太赫兹宽带带通滤波器, cn104409803a.

[8]李海鹏, 汪帅, 苏海, 李建东, 付文悦, 王昊深, 沈晓鹏, 韩奎, 基于复合u型槽结构的人工表面等离激元宽带带阻滤波器, cn105280996a.

[9]李海鹏, 付文悦, 沈晓鹏, 韩奎, 一种基于超颖材料的太赫兹三波段窄带带通滤波器, cn106058394a.

[10]李海鹏, 付文悦, 李建东, 王昊深, 沈晓鹏, 韩奎, 一种基于超材料的机械可调谐窄带带通滤波器, cn106887657a.

[11]崔铁军, 赵沛, 杨艳, 沈晓鹏, 平面周期渐变彩虹局域器, cn102856619a.

[12]崔铁军, 张浩驰, 刘硕, 沈晓鹏, 陈林辉, 李连鸣, 一种基于人工表面等离激元器件的波导结构及放大器, cn104332686a.

[13]崔铁军, 杨艳, 赵沛, 沈晓鹏, 平面槽深渐变彩虹局域器, cn102856618a.

[14]崔铁军, 杨艳, 赵沛, 沈晓鹏, 可调控彩虹局域器, cn102842744a.

[15]崔铁军, 沈晓鹏, 赵沛, 杨艳, 基于人工表面等离极化激元的定向耦合器, cn102856622a.

[16]崔铁军, 沈晓鹏, 汤文轩, 鲍迪, 一种基于人工表面等离激元的插分滤波器, cn103259067a.

[17]崔铁军, 沈晓鹏, 鲍迪, 汤文轩, 基于人工表面等离激元的环形谐振器, cn103280622a.

[18]崔铁军, and 沈晓鹏, 单、多频段微波吸收器, cn202104003u.

8. 参加学术会议

[1] orbital angular momentum hybridization on spiral particles, photonics & electromagnetics research symposium(piers 2019), nov. 2019xiamenchinainvited talk.

[2] magnetic plasmon propagation on particle chainsresearch symposium(piers 2019), nov. 2019, xiamenchinainvited talk.

[3] planar transport of subwavelength magnetic localized surface plasmons modes, 2018 cross strait quad-regional radio science and wireless technology conference (csqrwc 2018), july, 2018, xuzhou, china, invited talk.

[4] multiband band-stop filters for spoof surface plasmon polaritonsthe 8th international conference on metamaterials, photonic crystals and plasmonics(meta’17)incheon, koreajul. 2017, oral report.

[5] electric and magnetic localized surface plasmons on textured metallic particlesprogress in electromagnetics research symposium (piers 2014)guangzhou, china, aug. 2014, invited talk.

[6] multipolar localized surface plasmons on thin planar textured metallic diskthe 5th international conference on metamaterials, photonic crystals and plasmonics (meta’14)may, 2014, singapore, poster.

[7] ultrathin plasmonic metamaterial for spoof localized surface plasmons, the third international conference on frontiers of plasmonics (fop3)xiamenmar. 2014, poster.

[8] spoof planar surface plasmons on corrugated metallic strip and a plasmonic ring resonator, the 7th international congress on advanced electromagnetic materials in microwave and optics(meta’13), bordeaux, france, sep. 2013, oral report.

[9] terahertz plasmonic metamaterial waveguides and devices the 4th international conference on metamaterials, photonic crystals and plasmonics (meta’12), paris, franceapr. 2012, oral report.

[10] passive plasmonic components based on sub-wavelength structured metal film, spie photonics europe 2012, brussels, belgium, apr. 2012, invited talk

[11] anti-reflection for self-collimated beams using graded index couplersymposium on photonics and optoelectronics (sopo11)wuhan2011.5invited talk.






