

魏徐兵,男,19958月出生,甘肃天水人,中共党员,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所,固体润滑国家重点实验室,工学博士。20228月进入中国矿业大学材料与物理学院从事师资博后工作,合作导师李晓伟教授。主要从事科学研究工作:类金刚石碳基薄膜防腐耐磨一体化设计、构筑及其失效机理研究;类金刚石薄膜的表面石墨化/钝化结构调控及多环境摩擦润滑机理。以第一作者身份在journal of materials science & technologyceramics internationalacs biomaterials science & engineeringdiamond & related materials等期刊上发表学术论文10篇,申请专利3项。



20228~ 至今   中国矿业大学材料与物理学院,师资博士后

20179 ~ 20226   中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑国家重点实验室,工学博士

20139~ 20176   东北大学理学院,理学学士



1. wei xubing, shi shaomiao, ning chuangming, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. si-dlc films deposited by a novel method equipped with a co-potential auxiliary cathode for anti-corrosion and anti-wear application. journal of materials science & technology. 2022, 109: 114-128.

2. wei xubing, ning chuangming, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. si and n incorporated hydrogenated diamond like carbon film with excellent performance for marine corrosion resistance. ceramics international. 2022, 48:8440-50.

3. wei xubing, zhang yujue, feng haiyan, cao xueqian, ding qi, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. bio-tribology and corrosion behaviors of a si- and n-incorporated diamond-like carbon film: a new class of protective film for ti6al4v artificial implants. acs biomaterials science & engineering. 2022, 8:1166-80.

4. wei xubing, cao xueqian, yin pingmei, ding qi, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. design of a novel superhydrophobic f&si-dlc film on the internal surface of 304ss pipes. diamond and related materials. 2022, 123: 108852.

5. wei xubing, qi shunshun, wu jian, nie xiangfan, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. tuning pulse frequency for improvement in the corrosion resistance of 304ss pipes inner dlc coatings deposited by hollow cathode pecvd. diamond and related materials. 2021, 118: 108552.

6. wei xubing, yin pingmei, wu jian, nie xiangfan, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. deposition of dlc films on the inner wall of u-type pipes by hollow cathode pecvd. diamond and related materials. 2021, 114: 108308.

7. wei xubing, chen lin, zhang minglan, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. effect of dopants (f, si) material on the structure and properties of hydrogenated dlc film by plane cathode pecvd. diamond and related materials. 2020, 110: 108102.

8. wei xubing, zhang minglan, shang lunlin, wang yan, lu zhibin*, zhang guangan*. enhancement in the corrosive and tribological properties of the inner wall of 6063al and cl pipes by thick multilayer si-dlc coatings. : 085634.

9.魏徐兵, 张明蓝, 王焱, 鲁志斌*, 张广安*, 林博. 304不锈钢管内壁沉积耐磨防腐dlc涂层. 表面技术. 2019, 48: 87-96.

10. 魏徐兵, 尚伦霖, 鲁志斌*, 张广安*. 利用pecvd快速沉积超厚类金刚石碳基薄膜技术真空与低温. 2020, 26: 402-409.



1. 张广安, 魏徐兵, 尚伦霖. 一种弯管内壁类金刚石碳基涂层沉积方法. 专利申请号:202110820226.6

2. 张广安, 魏徐兵, 曹学乾, 李东山. 一种异形件表面si掺杂多层dlc涂层的沉积系统及其方法. 专利申请号:202110820232.1

3. 张广安, 魏徐兵, 尚伦霖, 李东山. 一种活塞环表面高结合力超厚dlc涂层的超高速沉积方法. 专利申请号:202110819861.2





